I got this great dip recipe from my awesome friend Heather Wagstaff here in Fayetteville. I'm not a huge tortilla chip fan, but I'll gorge myself on them with this dip. It is so good and makes a great party dip or game day appetizer.
1 can black beans
1 can black eyed peas (or white beans, I have had a hard time finding black eyed peas sometimes)
1 can corn or 1 cup frozen corn thawed
4-6 roma tomatoes chopped and seeded
2 avocados chopped
1/4 cup chopped red onion (or 2-3 green onions chopped)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Italian dressing to taste
Lime juice to taste
Enjoy!! Thanks Heather! My family loves this one. My girls even eat this one on chips!
That does look tasty!
I love your food blog and I love even more that i am on it. :) I can't wait to try all of the different dinners on here!
We made this one tonight and it was delicious! I actually ate way too much. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Audrey and Brady Cox --- here is a note from your past....I was just reading the Murdock's amazing blog and saw you on there....somehow I ended up on your blog (foood yum) I love your blog so will look at it ...do you have 4 girls??? I must look for pics. We live in Midway, Utah and right now we are having a huge hail storm....we have been having the craziest weather. this morning our furnace came on!!! What is going on anyway? Hope you are all well and doing great. Love to hear from you sometime. I have a blog, but I haven't written on it for over a year. I must repent. I am so untechnical..that is my problem. Talk to you later. Nancy Jones (Austin - formerly of Greystone Dr.)
I made your Texas Caviar again last night for a work party and it was a HUGE HIT!! Everyone loved it. We miss Arkansas and you guys. Hope you and your darling family are doing great! Be sure to call us if youre ever in Utah, we'd love to see you!
Love, Kimmi Rea (Walmart summer intern wife) :)
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